Mechanical Fabrication

With the arrival of the wood from Home Depot, construction of the enclosure could begin. Cuts were planned out for the outer frame, with much wood left over for the lid or as emergency extra. There were many defects with the wood (warping, twisting, and splitting to name a few), but due to the project timeline, concessions had to be made. After initial cuts, pilot holes were drilled to prevent the pieces from splitting and the 4 main panels were assembled using #6 x 2” wood screws. »

Author image Bennett Fleming

Database Schema

Database Technology The database is created using SQLite3. Given that the project is an MVP it seemed suitable to go with the ease of use and size of a SQLite database. Split Similar to the APIs two halves of the database are kept completely separate. The product and authorization. The authorization contains one table. With the product containing four tables. Authorization The authorization database is used specifically to hold the clients login information. »

Author image Sean O'Sullivan

API Adjustments

During the creation of the chrome extension a few issues have arisen that are worth mentioning. The device page for individual devices are meant to display a list of the delivery PINs that are associated with the device. In the original API schema it had been somewhat assumed that the device endpoint would be able to handle this type of request. In the actual implementation however it would be putting unfitting to put such logic in the device endpoint. »

Author image Sean O'Sullivan

Product API

Purpose The product API is the second component of the back-end service. It is responsible for all the business logic in the product. Security Middleware The product API is a stateless API. In essence this means that the API will not remember if a client is signed in or not. It will simply take in any API request handle it the same way based on the payload and return immediately. »

Author image Sean O'Sullivan

React app to Chrome extension

Converting a React App to a Chrome Extension Hello everyone! This blog post goes over the procedure we followed to convert our companion React app to a Chrome extension. The post follows the assumption that all Node/React dependencies have been installed and the developer is using a Linux environment. Add a .env file in the root directory of your React app. In this file, set the environment variable INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false. »

Author image Justin Borromeo